From The Founder Chairperson’s Desk
From The Founder Chairperson’s Desk
From The Founder Chairperson’s Desk :
Youshould be happy that, this school is fully equipped to receive you with commitment to make you amore usefulmember of society. Your firm decision to join this schooldeserves my compliments.
It is my opinion, however, it is imperative for educators to review the role of education from time to time and to ensure that it meets the needs ofthe changing society. In today’s scenario, it is important to view education as a tool that assists students to cope with life and hence it is important to incorporate into education, aspects that humanize the process. I am to note the vistas of education, personality assessment and the humanistic the process. I am glad to note the vistas of education, personality assessment and the humanistic aspect oftechnology.
I believe the essence of education, therefore is to educate the children and quip them thus that they learn to educate themselves. I am proud that in today’s changing world, we St. Joseph’s in requisite measure, teach our children the maturity of judgement, to handle challenges of growing up and working in a world where skills are as important as knowledge, where success emanates from a solid foundation.
Now, with your good decision to join this school together we shall leap forward to scale newer heights.